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This page describes how to connect Appsmith to your ArangoDB data and query it from your app.

Connect ArangoDB


If you are a cloud user, you must whitelist the IP address ranges and of the Appsmith deployment on your ArangoDB instance. For more information about whitelisting in ArangoDB, see the ArangoDB documentation.

Connection parameters

The following is a reference guide that provides a description of the parameters for connecting to ArangoDB.

Configure ArangoDB datasource.
Configure ArangoDB datasource

Host Address

The network location of your ArangoDB database. This can be a domain name or an IP address. To connect to a local ArangoDB database, see Connect Local Database for directions.


The port number to connect to on the server. If none is specified, Appsmith attempts to connect to port 8529.

Database Name

The name of your database.


The Username and Password for the user with which you are connecting to the database.

SSL mode

Determines whether your queries use an SSL connection to communicate with the database.

  • Default: The same as Disabled.
  • Enabled: Only allows an SSL connection.
  • Disabled: Does not attempt an SSL connection; it uses a plain unencrypted connection.

Query ArangoDB

The following section provides examples of basic CRUD queries for ArangoDB.

Configure an ArangoDB query in the editor.
Configure an ArangoDB query in the editor

For the ArangoDB Query Language (AQL) syntax, see the official AQL documentation.


FOR user IN users
FILTER user.role == "admin"
LIMIT {{ UsersTable.pageOffset }}, {{ UsersTable.pageSize }}

In the above example, UsersTable is the name of the Table widget that displays the data. It is configured to use server-side pagination to control how much data is queried at once.


name: "{{ NameInput.text }}",
gender: "{{ GenderDropdown.selectedOptionValue }}",
email: "{{ EmailInput.text }}",
role: "{{ RoleSelect.selectedOptionValue }}"
} INTO users

In the example above, NameInput, GenderDropdown, EmailInput, and RoleSelect are all widgets used to collect user input for the new record.


"{{ }}"
role: "admin"
IN users

In the example above, the query uses the id of the row selected in the UsersTable Table widget to update that record's role value.


REMOVE "{{ }}" IN users

In the example above, the query uses the id of the row selected in the UsersTable Table widget to delete that record.


If you are experiencing difficulties, you can refer to the Datasource troubleshooting guide or contact the support team using the chat widget at the bottom right of this page.

See also

  • Display and Lookup Data in Table - Learn how to display query results in a Table and enable users to look up data with ease.
  • Search and Filter Table Data - Guide on adding search and filter functionality to Tables for better data navigation.
  • Update Data - Understand how to update data in your application using Form widget.
  • Insert Data - Step-by-step instructions on inserting new records into your database using Form widget.